Agroeca lusatica

Agroeca lusatica: An Intriguing Spider Species of Europe


Agroeca lusatica is a fascinating spider species native to Europe. This elusive arachnid is a member of the Liocranidae family and is commonly found in grasslands, forests, and other natural habitats. The species is particularly interesting due to its distinctive appearance, reproductive behavior, and ecological role. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of Agroeca lusatica, offering a comprehensive overview of this unique spider species.

Taxonomy and Distribution

Agroeca lusatica belongs to the Liocranidae family of spiders, which is a relatively small group comprising about 100 species worldwide. The genus Agroeca, specifically, includes around 20 species distributed across Europe and Asia. Agroeca lusatica is primarily found in Central and Eastern Europe, with populations documented in countries such as Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, and Austria.

Habitat and Ecology

Agroeca lusatica prefers moist, shaded habitats like woodlands, grasslands, and heathlands. It is often found in the ground layer, seeking refuge among fallen leaves, under rocks, or in crevices. This nocturnal spider is an active hunter, preying on a variety of small insects, such as flies, beetles, and other arthropods. Agroeca lusatica plays an essential role in controlling insect populations, contributing to a healthy ecosystem balance.

Physical Characteristics

Agroeca lusatica is a relatively small spider, with females reaching a body length of up to 6 millimeters and males up to 4 millimeters. Its body is characterized by an elongated, somewhat flattened shape, which aids in navigating through narrow spaces. Agroeca lusatica exhibits a striking coloration, with a reddish-brown to dark brown carapace and a pale to yellowish abdomen. The legs are long and slender, often displaying a similar reddish-brown hue as the carapace.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

The reproductive behavior of Agroeca lusatica is quite intriguing. Males engage in a complex courtship dance to attract females, involving rhythmic leg movements and body vibrations. Once the female is receptive, mating takes place, and the male dies shortly after. The female then produces an egg sac, which she attaches to a protected surface, such as a rock or a tree bark. The egg sac is a dense, silken structure, usually white or pale yellow, containing between 50 and 100 eggs.

The eggs hatch into spiderlings after a few weeks, depending on the temperature and environmental conditions. Spiderlings undergo a series of molts, shedding their exoskeleton as they grow. The development from spiderling to adult can take anywhere between 6 months to a year, with females typically living longer than males.

Conservation Status and Threats

Currently, Agroeca lusatica is not considered to be under significant threat, and its conservation status is listed as “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List. However, habitat loss due to deforestation, agricultural expansion, and urbanization remains a potential threat to the species’ survival. Climate change may also impact Agroeca lusatica’s distribution and population numbers as it alters the environmental conditions of its preferred habitats.


Agroeca lusatica is a fascinating species of spider that contributes to the ecological balance of its habitat by controlling insect populations. Its unique physical characteristics, reproductive behavior, and role in the ecosystem make it a valuable subject of study for researchers and arachnid enthusiasts alike. Although not currently endangered, it is essential to monitor the population trends of Agroeca lusatica and preserve its habitat

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