Textrix denticulata

Textrix denticulata: The Intriguing World of the Lattice Orbweaver Spider


Textrix denticulata, commonly known as the Lattice Orbweaver Spider, is a fascinating arachnid species belonging to the family Tetragnathidae. This remarkable spider is known for its distinctive web-building technique and unique appearance. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of Textrix denticulata, discussing its habitat, physical characteristics, behavior, and more.

Habitat and Distribution

The Lattice Orbweaver Spider is primarily found across Europe and Asia. It thrives in a wide range of habitats, including forests, meadows, gardens, and urban environments. These spiders are often spotted in damp, shaded areas close to the ground, where they can weave their elaborate webs among low-lying vegetation.

Physical Characteristics

Textrix denticulata is a relatively small spider, with the females generally measuring between 5 and 7 millimeters and the males ranging from 4 to 6 millimeters in body length. The species displays sexual dimorphism, with females being larger and more brightly colored than males.

The spider’s cephalothorax (the fused head and thorax) is usually reddish-brown or dark brown, while the abdomen is grayish with lighter markings. The abdomen’s most striking feature is the pattern of white, yellow, or pale brown markings that create a lattice-like appearance, hence the name “Lattice Orbweaver.”

Behavior and Web Construction

The Lattice Orbweaver is known for its unique and intricate web-building technique. The spider spins a horizontal orb web, which is quite unusual as most orb-weaving spiders create vertical webs. The web is characterized by a dense, zigzagging pattern of silk called the “stabilimentum.” This feature is not only visually stunning but also serves several purposes, including prey capture and predator deterrence.

Textrix denticulata is a nocturnal species, meaning it is most active during the night. During the day, the spider hides in a retreat crafted from leaves and silk, positioned close to the web. At night, the spider emerges to repair its web and wait for prey.

Diet and Prey Capture

The Lattice Orbweaver feeds primarily on small insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, and other small arthropods. The spider’s unique web is highly effective in capturing prey. Once an insect becomes ensnared in the sticky silk, the spider quickly immobilizes its prey by biting and injecting venom. The venom contains a combination of enzymes and proteins that paralyze and break down the prey’s internal tissues, allowing the spider to consume the liquefied contents.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

The mating process of Textrix denticulata is an intricate dance between the male and female. The male approaches the female cautiously, performing a series of delicate movements to signal his intentions. After mating, the female produces an egg sac, which she attaches to a leaf or other vegetation close to her web.

The eggs hatch after several weeks, and the spiderlings emerge to disperse and begin building their webs. Textrix denticulata has a relatively short lifespan, with most individuals living for only one year.


The Lattice Orbweaver Spider, Textrix denticulata, is a captivating species with its distinctive web, unique appearance, and intriguing behavior. Its presence in various habitats contributes to the balance of ecosystems by controlling insect populations. As we continue to learn more about this remarkable arachnid, it serves as a reminder of the vast and diverse world of spiders and their essential role in the environment.

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